• Positive Push
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  • Reminder: when one door closes, you always have...

Reminder: when one door closes, you always have...

Positive Push #11

Reminder: when one door closes, you always have...

- a back-door
- a window
- a roof

and many other means to land where you want to.

There’s not one way but many ways to arrive somewhere.

When I applied for my dream Master's degree, I was rejected.
↳ I tried again the next year and was accepted.

When I followed up with my first client, she rejected my new proposal.
↳ I contacted someone else within that company and won an even better project.

I failed my driving license test 3x in Morocco.
↳ I tried again a few years later in France, and I passed.

The more you build your resilience during setbacks, the more you will be willing to try again and again.

So next time you get rejected, try again.

→ Contact someone else within that company.
→ Apply the next year to that programme.
→ Pass that test again until you get it.
→ Ask, ask, ask people you know.

When you really want something, give yourself a chance to get it.

Remember that one 'no' does not mean it's the end of it.

Simply trust the timing of your life.

Because things are happening FOR you. 🙌

Keep pushing 💪


PS. How do you react to a 'rejection'? (Simply hit reply, I always respond)

Bonus quote ✨

Two ways I can help you 👇

  1. Book a 1:1 Positive Call with me

  2. Follow me on LinkedIn for more positivity in your feed

Since you made it this far 🫶

The second weekend of The Conscious Festival is happening tomorrow!

I will be a speaker on 8th of June and my keynote is called The Ripple Effect: From Inaction To Impact

If you're in Singapore, join us at The Conscious Festival x i Light Singapore organised by Green Is The New Black.

👉 Use the code CONSCIOUS10 to get 10% off - register here.


or to participate.